
Dahlia - C88 - Cecil Set

12:27 PM


Dahlia - C88 - Cecil Set
❥ New Release
❥ Copy . Modify
❥ 100% Original Mesh 

  Six items to choose from :
❥ Three Take Away & Keys in colors : White, Black & Brown
All come with (decor version) of the coffee and pumpkin cake & key set with custom personal bento holds. 

❥ Pumpkin cake cloche with the option to remove the glass with an on/off touch menu. Comes in flavors: Vanilla, Caramel & Chocolate. Perfect to add to any bakery to go with your takeaway set. Special price of 88L

  Buy the full FATPACK set at a discounted price of 488L

LM - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/8%208/74/229/1086 





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