
Dahlia - More March Goodness

Dahlia - Petite Joie - Locket Necklace Coming to Blush http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Make%20them%20Blush/146/80/2496  Comes in four types of metals or a fatback of all the colors  - Opens & Closes with touch and sound - Can add two photos to the inside of the locket detailed instructions included Style Card  Hair -  Tram Dress - {le fil casse} Karissa Dress  Lipstick - alaskametro - babygoth-makeup-palette -...

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Dahlia - March

Dahlia - Kahlida - Cuff - Now at fameshed - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FaMESHed/223/140/1002 Style card - Pose - shi.s.poses BENTO Portrait #1-5 Lipstick - alaskametro<3 "Alchemy" lipstick 03 RARE Hair - .Entwined. Ellira  Dahlia Blossom Accent Pillow Collection now available @ The Liaison Collaborative, 5th Anniversary! 100% original mesh, collect them all! Limo- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Remarkable/232/184/24 Limited edition - Cabin Candles at TLC for the anniversary round of whimsy- will not be sold...

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